Lee Sunter MBCS CITP - Agile

What is Agile?

Agile software development describes an approach to software development under which requirements and solutions evolve through the collaborative effort of self-organizing and cross-functional teams and their customer/end user

So... why do you want Agile?

IT has traditionally delivered against ‘bottom up’ or ‘left to right’ plans that treat time as a variable commodity. In a world of ‘deliver and move on’, the optimum approach is to agree on a delivery date that most project participants feel is ‘unachievable’ and then start pruning the project until it fits into the time box, or operate ‘surge’ resourcing to deliver the existing scope in an expedited timeframe. In my experience, traditional approaches to technology can be costly and too often fail to deliver the required results. The biggest cause of failure in any IT project is the gradual divergence between business needs, what is specified, and what is delivered. Additionally, a traditional “Waterfall” approach to technology implementation increases risk to delivery as a significant portion of time is spent planning up front – which cannot account for all unknowns

Agile execution allows companies to focus on the minimum viable unit that will enhance customer experience, with results measurable in weeks, not months or years. Prioritizing delivery of working software over specification minimizes risk by reducing the time to produce a working product that can be iterated to meet changing business needs.

Challenge and test with memes such as “What Would the Web do”, “Show me, don’t tell me”, and “Tell me why not” to create real-world breakthroughs. An Agile digital-engineering capability is best delivered through small, loosely coupled teams, which, as a rule of thumb, consists of six to ten people (the so called a “two-pizza team”). These teams can leverage broader ecosystems of digital experts and engineering partners to provide access to expertise and the latest tools and techniques as used by Netflix, Amazon and Google etc.

Read more about the agile values at the Manifesto for Agile Software Development


Scrum Master

The Scrum master role is:
  • Servant Leader to Product Owner, Development Team and Organisation
  • Is to ensure that the scrum team works as well as possible within the scrum framework, responsible for Scrum theory, practices and rules being understood and enacted
  • Helps everyone understand which interactions with the Scrum Team are helpful and which ones are not to maximise business value created by the Scrum Team
  • They act as coach, active facilitator and protector
  • Encouraging the team with daily stand up meetings that help keep the Product Owner’s vision in front of them
  • Removing impediments to their efficient work flow
  • Where the Product Owner is responsible for the product being created using Scrum, the Scrum Master is the “process owner” who keeps the team on track procedurally.
  • Working closely with the Product Owner to keep the product backlog in shape for each sprint
  • Work closely with the Product Owner, they help ensure that feature requests, time boxes, and expectations from team members are reasonable within the Scrum framework.
  • Scrum Masters also bring insight back to a Product Owner following an unsuccessful sprint to help make the next sprint more successful.
  • Neutral

The ScrumMaster is not a Secretary
  • Coaching the Product Owner on Product Backlog refinement does not mean being the administrative keeper of this artefact
  • Coaching the team on self-­organisation and cross-­functionality does not mean taking tasks away from them
  • Leading the organisation in its Scrum adoption does not mean publishing status reports
  • Every conversation isn't led by the ScrumMaster … including the Daily Scrum

The ScrumMaster is a Coach
  • New ScrumMasters latch on to the mechanics of Scrum
  • What’s often overlooked, however, is the people aspect of the job
  • Due to the increased collaboration and transparency, organisational impediments and people issues are exposed quickly
  • If the problem is not a “Scrum” problem, is it a “people” problem? If yes, then see below

Is the ScrumMaster an Arm-­Chair Psychologist?
  • The first value in the Agile Manifesto begins with Individuals and Interactions
  • The Agile Manifesto principles emphasize face to face communication, working together and working with business people daily
  • The ScrumMaster ensures helpful interactions occur with the Scrum Team
  • Where does the ScrumMaster learn all these people skills?

The ScrumMaster Checklist
  • How is my Product Owner doing?
  • Are Stories or PBIs broken down to the appropriate level?
  • Is there enough detail and/or Acceptance Criteria included?
  • How is my Team doing?
  • Do they have the information, tools, support that they need to meet the Sprint commitments?
  • Do they have what the detail that they need from the Product Owner?
  • Information Radiators
  • Are Task Boards and/or electronic tools up to date with the latest information?
  • Do Stakeholders have visibility to information?
See the Full ScrumMaster Checklist by Michael James

Product Owner

Product Owners are generally the key stakeholders in a project. As such, they are
  • Responsible for determining the overall direction the project will take, what features the product will contain, and what priority each feature will be given.
  • Responsible for owning and maintaining the product backlog
  • ‘accepts’ items as ‘done’.
  • Responsible for ensuring the entire scrum team understands the overall vision for the product.
    • Although, it’s important for them to hold back from micromanaging the team and trying to determine exactly how much work will be attempted in each sprint.
    • Communicate the goals and return on investment case, refining these over time based on learnings to maximise the success of the product.
  • Serves as a conduit carrying communications to and from the scrum team and acting as liaison with upper management and other departments that have a bearing on the project’s success
  • Responsible for maintaining a stakeholder network of engaged stakeholder representatives.
  • It is advisable to have a Deputy working closely with the Product Owner who can cover in their absence.

Typical Experience

  • The product owner is commonly a lead user of the system or someone from marketing, product management or anyone with a solid understanding of users, the market place, the competition and of future trends for the domain or type of system being developed. This varies based on whether the team is developing commercial software, software for internal use, hardware or some other type of product. The key is that the person in the product owner role needs to have a vision for what is to be built.
  • The product owner role requires an individual with certain skills and traits, including availability, business savvy and communication skills. First, the Scrum product owner needs to be available to his or her team. The best product owners show commitment by doing whatever is necessary to build the best product possible – and that means being actively engaged with their teams.
  • Business savvy is important for the agile product owner because he or she is the decision maker regarding what features the product will have. That means, the agile PO should understand the market, the customer and the business in order to make sound decisions.
  • Finally, communication is a large part of the product owner responsibilities. The product owner role requires working closely with key stakeholders throughout the organization and beyond, so he or she must be able to communicate different messages to different people about the project at any given time.
  • In reality, the application of the product owner role varies greatly, as products and organisations differ. But experience shows that there are two key factors that determine the duties of a product owner: the scope and the depth of ownership.

Product Owner responsibilities

The Product Owner differs from that of the traditional Product Manager role in many ways. The Product owner shoulders all the responsibility for Project success and is ultimately responsible to the Team, stakeholders and to the company. With so much at responsibility it's easy to get bogged down or revert back to old ways and the whole team suffers as a result. In order for Scrum to work the Product owner has to focus his time on activities that matter. Here are the top ten activities that a Product Owner must perform well in order to keep scrum teams effective:
  1. Creates and MAINTAINS the Product Backlog. I emphasise MAINTAINS as this is an on-going job and more than likely a full-time activity. Nothing is constant in the world of software Note: the Product Backlog must be groomed prior to the Sprint Planning Meeting in order for the team to remain productive.
  2. Prioritises and sequences the Backlog according to business value or ROI (there are lots of tools to help Product Owners do this and lots of books on the subject) The Product Owner is required to have the Backlog sequenced prior to the Sprint Planning Meeting. This means that each user story must be ordered by relative importance. It’s no good to have 5 high priority or 5 medium priorities. It’s important to know which User story is #1, which is #2 etc.
  3. Assists with the elaboration of Epics, Themes and Features into user stories that are granular enough to be achieved in a single sprint. User Stories are elaborated at the last responsible moment and it is the Product Owners responsibility to be there during the Sprint Planning meeting to help the teams to understand exactly what is required.
  4. Conveys the Vision and Goals at the beginning of every Release and Sprint. The Product Owner must continuously remind the Team of the Sprint and Release goals. This helps to keep the team on track and serves as an over-arching yardstick for the team to measure their activity and progress against.
  5. Represents the customer, interfaces and engages the customer. The Product Owner must continuously engage the customer and stakeholders to ensure the Team is building the right product and therefore delivering the ROI expected of it. The Product Owner has the opportunity to steer the team in a different direction at the end of every Sprint, so he/she must be ready to do just that if necessary.
  6. Participates in the daily Scrums, Sprint Planning Meetings and Sprint Reviews and Retrospectives. There’s always a lot going on and always an excuse to miss the meetings. But each of these Scrum ceremonies is another chance for the Product Owner to inspect and adapt. And as a result being present at these ceremonies is tantamount to success.
  7. Inspects the product progress at the end of every Sprint and has complete authority to accept or reject work done. Work that is either not complete or un-done needs to be re-prioritised or sequenced. PO is one who is quick to recognise and understand change and to ensure the Product Team adapts to the change in landscape, be it competition, target market or other.
  8. Can change the course of the project at the end of every Sprint. The Product Owner is in complete control and can steer the team in a completely different direction at Sprint boundaries. And good Agile teams will welcome this change as long as the Product Owner is confident and knowledgeable.
  9. Communicates status externally. The product owner is the voice of the Team to the outside world and should ensure that all channels of communications are open and that projects have the right amount of support required to succeed.
  10. Available for Inspection. The team need to have access to the Product Owner throughout the Sprint to demo completed stories as this helps maintain the teams focus and reduces Sprint review activities as the Product Owner can use the Sprint review to demonstrate to the customers what has been achieved - this typically depends on the representation and availability of the customers.
The responsibilities of the Product Owner are onerous and there is no one else on the team to cover for him/her or pick up the slack. So if you’re choosing a Product Owner, choose wisely, the difference can be success or failure for the entire project or, in the worst of circumstances, the success or failure of the company. Useful video explaining Product ownership in a nutshell

How should the Product Owner and Scrum Master Collaborate?

These two roles overlap in some of their skill sets, which means the individuals filling them should be able to collaborate well as peers. Although, the Product Owner typically has greater authority in the company. The goal both of them share is creating a viable product through the use of Agile methodologies. To accomplish this, the Product Owner and Scrum Master should make every effort to collaborate closely in the following areas:
  • Backlog Grooming – While this is the Product Owner’s responsibility, the Scrum Master is in an excellent position to help the Product Owner groom the backlog. With the results of each sprint retrospective fresh in mind, the Scrum Master can work with the Product Owner to ensure the next sprint is even more in line with reality and set the team up for success.
  • Enhancing Team Communication – Working closely with the Scrum Master, who works directly with the team every day, the Product Owner can make sure all necessary communications regarding the project and the product vision are clear to the team, and can carry back any necessary messages to other departments, teams, or levels of the organisation.
  • Improving Team Morale – By collaborating throughout a project, the Product Owner and Scrum Master can keep a team’s morale and productivity at the highest levels simply by keeping lines of communication open and setting priorities based on what is reasonable rather than on arbitrary business goals.
  • Ensuring Cross-dependencies With Other Teams – Both the Product Owner and Scrum Master likely have close relationships with other teams, other owners and Scrum Masters, as well as past team members that may work elsewhere in the organisation. Leveraging those relationships can help both to improve the current project and smooth any bumps in the road.
  • Clarifying the Product Vision – While the Product Owner is responsible for establishing and communicating the strategic vision behind the product, the Scrum Master is responsible for bringing the team on board and making that vision a reality. It makes sense for both to be fully engaged in the vision and be able to clearly communicate it appropriately.
  • Facilitating Engaging Meetings – While each role is responsible for various meetings, in practice it can be much more effective for the team to see the Product Owner and Scrum Master switch up the norm in meeting facilitation for the sake of maintaining interest and engagement. Each individual will have their own strengths and personal style in facilitation and can use those differences to bring out the best in each meeting. In the most effective team layouts, the Product Owner and Scrum Master are truly partners in a cohesive and mutually beneficial tag-team effort to get the best possible results from their team’s efforts.
A great article on what is a Scrum and Product Owner roles and interaction

The Team

This leads to an obvious question: Who does have accountability for the people doing the work? That's where the development team comes in. A typical Scrum team consists of five to nine people and generally includes the typical functional roles required to complete the project. In software development, that means architects, testers, developers, and designers; but those titles are only relevant in establishing each individual's expertise.
  • The team acts collectively to determine how to achieve their goals.
    • The specific features they work on are determined by the priority established by the product owner.
    • Although the agile PO prioritises the product backlog during the sprint planning meeting, the team selects the amount of work they believe they can do during each sprint, and how many sprints will be required.
    • The way they work is guided by the Scrum process, as monitored by the ScrumMaster.
  • Everything else is up to the team to manage, with the ScrumMaster providing as much support as needed to allow that to happen. For example, each team member can take a feature from the prioritised product backlog, then decide individually how to execute that work.
  • Team members know best what they are capable of, and so they select which user stories from the top of the product backlog they can commit to delivering during any sprint.
    • This level of autonomy is a cornerstone of Scrum. It encourages strong bonds between team members and helps create a positive working environment. While the idea of a team exists in Waterfall projects as well, in that environment the team is functionally managed by the project manager, rather than being self-managed
  • The individuals in the team are responsible for ensuring they deliver their work in accordance with the teams definition of done
  • The individuals in the team are working towards the team goal rather than individual progress achievements
  • The Scrum team's commitment is to complete the selected user stories from the top of the product backlog within the Sprint, (note the product owner makes a reciprocal commitment to not throw new requirements at the team during the sprint).
  • Requirements are allowed to change (and change is encouraged) but only outside the sprint. Once the team starts on a sprint, it remains maniacally focused on the goal of that sprint.


Daily Scrum

During Daily Scrum meetings, the team discusses important points (either from the board or round robin of the team) such as:
  • What they have done since the last Daily Scrum.
  • What they plan to do before the next Daily Scrum.
  • Any impediments (blockers) that they have to their progress

So rather than a mundane stand up which turns into a zombie status update meeting where team members come together to blurt out their updates and walk away to their desk without ever maximising the benefit of that meet up! Get everyone to state their confidence level 5 (will complete) - 0 (failure) that the TEAM will meet the SPRINT GOAL - This will help uncover true insights of teams progress and identify any hidden impediments and dependencies and enable the team members to organically started to re-plan and prioritise their work to accomplish the Sprint Goal!

Sprint Review (Show & Tell)

  1. The Product Owner explains what Product Backlog items have been “Done” and what has not been “Done”. The Product Owner discusses the Product Backlog as it stands.
  2. The Development team demonstrates the work that it has “Done” and answers questions about the Increment.
  3. The entire group collaborates on what to do next, so that the Sprint Review provides valuable input to subsequent Sprint Planning.
  4. The result of the Sprint Review is a revised Product Backlog that defines the probable Product Backlog items for the next Sprint.
  5. Based on the outcomes and feedback, adjustments are made to maximize success and return-on-investment including high level plans and even the product vision.

Sprint Retrospective – Techniques

There are a number of techniques for performing Retrospectives.
  • Mad, Sad, Glad – three areas representing:
    • Mad – things that have annoyed the team
    • Sad – things that the team don’t think worked as well as they had hoped
    • Glad – things that have made the team happy
  • The Sail Boat – a picture of a boat representing:
    • Sails or engines – things that are pushing the team towards their goals
    • Anchors – things that are blocking or impeding the team from reaching their goals
  • The Wheel or Starfish – five sections representing:
    • Start – What can we start doing to help our progress?
    • Stop – What can we stop doing that is stopping or progress?
    • Keep Doing – What can we keep doing because it is helping our progress?
    • More Of – What is currently helping our progress that we can do more of?
    • Less Of – What is currently blocking our progress and we can do less of?

Sprint 0

THE sprint (time) to get yourself ready

  • Sprint Zero should be used to create the basic skeleton and plumbing for the project so that future sprints can be truly add incremental value in an efficient way. It may involve some research spikes.
  • Minimal design up front is done in Sprint Zero so that emergent design is possible in future sprints. This includes putting together a flexible enough framework so that refactoring is easy.
  • For minimal design up front, the team picks up a very few critical stories and develops them to completion. Since these are the first few stories, delivering them includes putting the skeleton/framework in place, but even Sprint Zero delivers value.
  • Note:
    • The velocity (amount of progress/productivity given for a set team) of Sprint Zero may be very low compared to that of other sprints.
    • Remember also that the product backlog is a living document. Stories are added, modified, and split into small ones all the time. The backlog can be begun during project initiation. From then it grows and is refined as needed. There should be a few stories in the product backlog at the time of Sprint Zero's start, enough to help us demo at least one working feature. - See more at scrumalliance

Typical things you need to do are:-

  • Create A JIRA project and wiki/documentation space
  • Start a back log of tasks
  • Start initial sizing - story point - for each of the back log items.
  • Be clear on the scope of work you are working on - what is it you are trying to achieve?
  • Decide on definition of done
  • Define skeleton architecture - but write it down even if just a diagram
  • Define ways of working and the tools to be used
  • Define your environment and the tools to use
  • Define what the pre reqs are for developers to become effective on the sprint - ensuring that they have access to all the tooling, access to environments, somewhere to work, are aware of local working practices and any form of developer on-boarding tasks should be completed in this sprint in order to ensure that they can become fully effective from Sprint 1.
  • Agree on use of tasks and sub tasks - generally don't use sub tasks as 'harder' to 'manage/use'
  • Note sprint 0 tasks can occur throughout the projects! JUST add new tasks to the back log and then priorities the task in the NEXT sprint (it doesn't have to be named 0)
  • Decide on where you are going to document details for a task
  • Preference is to, up date design documents on a wiki design page rather than providing too much details in the Jira issues/tasks.

Common issues/questions/thoughts/concerns

  • The team we have are mixed skills so cannot do the sprint 0 tasks
    • Anyone should be able to size the stories based on their collective knowledge and previous stories
    • If you must elaborate some stories to allow the team to start on some work BUT these MUST be related to a MVP/skeleton solution - don't just feed work to the team to keep them busy!
    • Spend time up-skilling the team
    • Have people understanding the unit testing, mocking, CI environment etc or even writing Jira queries to help with the team reporting.
    • Work out the teams workflow - states etc. Work out what fields are needed on the Jira screens etc
    • THE key here is to delegate between the team - a sprint isn't a huge amount of time and even if people are not fully busy?
    • Start on the elaboration of stories - understand the requirement - create class structure etc?
  • Avoid the "We think we have too much work to do - so lets get started!" - diving in approach.
    • Firstly work from a fact not just gut feel - how do we do that?
    • Create a list (backlog) of all the issues (stories?) that we have to do under the scope - even if this is a very high level list
    • Size this list - simply using story points for each story/item on the back log
    • Sample one of each story point size to estimate in days - this should give you a value to extrapolate the total effort needed for the scope
    • Now you can see when the project will deliver the scope if you divide the total by the number of people and the number of working days to the target end date
    • Remember to add effort in for bugs - ~10-20% depends on confidence factor and team
    • Remember that you do work fully on issues during the sprint so add some time for that
  • Add a hardening sprint to the end if required.

Services that I can offer

  • Agile coaching
  • Agile adoption on projects
    • Advice/Implementation of tooling
    • Business Transformation

If you need help with any of the above, contact me for an initial discussion on how I could help.